
The futureproof media agency.

We take a futureproof approach to every client brief at UM Birmingham, our dedicated media offering. From searching out new media, new targeting opportunities or research initiatives, to carefully selecting an innovative new mix of media, from posters to PPC, and SEO to Cinema. And we apply it to every type of media strategy. From Direct Response to Brand Awareness and everything in between.

In the media team, every penny of your budget is sacred and spent as if it were our own. And every client success is most definitely celebrated in the same way.

Media Strategy & Planning // Media buying // Digital Marketing Services // SEO // PPC // Data Analysis


Make every trip epic

EMR work 2025 tile


Beat the F-Clamp

F clamp thumbnail



Dexcom thumbnail


Guaranteed tough

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Freedom Finance

Finance without the baffles

Baffles thumbnail


When things turn

Refuge magazine


Clamp ramp

Ramp jump

Money Buddies

Bankrupt of England

Bankrupt 1

Coealiac UK

It could be coeliac disease

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Trophy hunters

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Frosty Jack's

Crack open the unexpected

FJ primary